Around The Water Rose The Land.  Around The Land Rose A Town. Around A Town Rose A People, Along The Oconee River.


Carved from the idle wilds of the Georgian Piedmont. Over 10,000 years of human history has occurred through this one place. From the dawn of the First Peoples and the coming of the Archaic Indians, to forming our young nation's boundary waters and the homesteading of a revolutionary veteran. There is a boundary of order to these lands. From The Civil War home-guard through our Industrial Revolution, when cotton made kings of some. Others labored, lived, loved, and died in the hope of a brighter American day. Humanity has harnessed the power of these shoals to thrive over this green land. This is their legacy. It is now our heritage. Come explore with us as we restore the Oconee's forgotten roots.

Above Photo: Existing Barnett Shoals Dam On The Oconee River.

Star Thread Mill Factory and village of Barnett Shoals, GA. Circa 1900.

Star Thread Mill Factory and village of Barnett Shoals, GA. Circa 1900.


Discover The Star Thread Society's organization, mission, and our methods, as you experience these rich lands and bountiful waters.

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Wooded waterways today shade the ghost town's memories.

Wooded waterways today shade the ghost town's memories.

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